Like the artistic movement that interpret three-dimensional shapes in flat drawings, the Cubism Collection uses geometric shapes to create new sensations in the décor project.

The simplicity of a line and its infinite possibilities. It can represents a straight , a curve, a certainty, a preference. The Lines Collection brings sensations and may lead you to choose which line you want to follow.

©Foto por Marco Antônio

Everything that is alive is on movement. The Organic Collection surprises with unusual proposals that come from nature and from free creation. Here we have natural and fluid forms as life.

©Foto por Marco Antônio

©Foto por Marco Antônio

The OP-ART Collection with their optical and visual effects invite you to enter a great illusion of movement and art. That is an invitation for a journey of new perception.

©Foto por Marco Antônio

The Concrete Art Collection is involved in an air of modernity and reconstruction. Solid blocks and outstanding shapes of the collection, makes an impact, and announces a new way of thinking.

©Foto por Marco Antônio

They have gained status as a work of art and became a very strong trend worldwide. Here, we have striking versions, signed by prominent names in design. Be surprised by these proposals that are as strong as they are unusual.